Eco-Friendly Carpet Cleaning in Delaware & Columbus, OH

Finding the right eco-friendly technique to clean your carpet can be hard to find for individuals who are concerned about the environment. Many carpet cleaners use toxic and hazardous ingredients or rely on plastic packaging cleaners that cannot be recycled. The good news is that there is an exceptionally good eco-friendly carpet cleaning service available in Delaware, Hilliard, Dublin, Marysville, New Albany, and throughout the Columbus service areas.

Teasdale Fenton Columbus provides the most professional eco-friendly carpet cleaning service in your neighborhood. Our skilled and certified crews are always ready to provide you with the best carpet cleaning services. Call us anytime at 614-662-4060 or click here for more information.

Tips for Eco-friendly Carpet Cleaning

Eco-friendly carpet cleaning methods are applicable to different types of carpets. Though the procedure might differ, this procedure is the best to keep your carpets healthy and clean. The eco-friendly carpet cleaning procedure ensures the best outcomes and extends the longevity of your carpets. Here goes some tips for you:

eco friendly carpet cleaning in Delaware & Columbus, OH
  • Vacuum cleaning: The first thing to do to keep your carpet clean is frequent vacuuming. By doing this, all of the debris, pollutants, and dirt on the surface will be removed.
  • Spot clean spills promptly: If you spill something on your carpet, clean it up immediately to prevent it from setting in. Blot the stain with a clean, damp cloth and use a natural cleaning solution if needed.
  • Use eco-friendly carpet padding: If you need to replace your carpet padding, choose an eco-friendly option such as natural rubber or recycled foam. Avoid synthetic materials that can release harmful chemicals into the air.
  • Hire eco-friendly professional cleaners: If you decide to hire a professional carpet cleaning service, choose a company that uses eco-friendly cleaning products and methods. And for that, Teasdale Fenton Columbus is your best bet. We always care for the environment as well as keep complete care for your carpets.

Go Green with Eco-Friendly Carpet Cleaning

Teasdale Fenton Columbus always cares for its customer as well as the environment. Our certified carpet cleaning specialists have genuine experience and techniques to deliver the best carpet cleaning services such as area rug cleaning, steam cleaning, pet urine removal, stain removal, and more. If you need a professional eco-friendly carpet cleaning service, don’t hesitate to contact us or call at 614-662-4060 You will receive a free quote, a helpful consultation, and affordable prices.

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